Dear colleagues,

Remote work is the heart and soul of our business model. It's also what makes us unique. That said, we love bringing the people of 5CA and Cocoroco together in person from time to time in Utrecht—or anywhere in the world—to work together, inspire each other, and share the vision of 5CA.

One of the key elements of our company's culture is our global, integrated, safe and welcoming work environment. Setting aside time to meet each other is the perfect way to cultivate and strengthen such a culture.

Connectivity is the essence of our QBR, where we meet to discuss past months' successes and hurdles and the vision, strategy and plans for the future. We are proud to be rallying the QBR team together once more for a week of working, learning, and bonding.

We here at the Utrecht HQ are eagerly waiting to see everybody again and to welcome all the newcomers making their way to our wonderful city for the first time. We also hope you leave the QBR with strengthened relationships, a sense of community, and new friends.

With the QBR, we want to expand upon our vision by achieving a company-wide understanding and acknowledgement of it. We also want you to experience valuable learning opportunities and have some fun. As such, we have prepared an entire program of presentations, workshops, discussions, and out-of-office activities in which everyone can participate. (You'll find a detailed program of activities in your inbox, in the 'QBR October 2022' Teams chat, and on this page.)

Finally, we hope you all feel comfortable and eager to reflect upon 5CA's roadmap and share your thoughts, opinions, and ideas for 5CA. We will share many plans and updates through the various workshops and presentations. We hope to see proactive participation and openness to discussion and debate. After all, you are a vital part of the future of 5CA, and we encourage everyone to participate.

See you soon in Utrecht, take care!


It’s about people.

We work exclusively with people who love gaming. People who speak gaming languages. People who love helping your players... because they are your players.

Not just the

100% remote first.

9-5 is a thing of the past. We’ve been working fully in the cloud for 15 years.

Diverse fan community.

Our worldwide community is from all walks of life. They’re also gamers.

Growth and opportunity.

Empowering our agents with growth opportunities is what we do.

Check out some other videos and
the program.

David's interview with Microsoft


After movie


5CA is...
